In a framework of the project "Peers for equality", between 7-8 of December 2018, Jan Akmatbek and Janietta Shahmatova organised a workshop for tackling gender based discrimination involving students of School #81 of Ak-Bosogo village of Kyrgyzstan.
Meergul Karakozueva, one of the peer trainers of the #peersforequality network, held a training on gender discrimination for children with visual impairments in the city of Osh, Kyrgyzstan. The activity was a big hit, which determined the ones involved to decide on organising a sequel of it in spring 2019.
In the frame of the #PeerForEquality strategic project, Ofensiva Tinerilor developed a new gender-based discrimination programme, together with ОО "Молодежная Сеть Равного Обучения Y-PEER" and EPTO | European Peer Training Organisation
In April and June 2 training modules were organised in #Romania and #Kyrgyzstan to raise young people's awareness and develop their competences on the issue of gender based discrimination.
On 26th of October three Romanian peer trainers who attended the training modules shared their knowledge with local young people in Bucharest and Draganesti Olt.
Local activities take place in the following months in Kyrgyzstan and also in Belgium, in the frame of the same project.
This project was co-financed by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Commission
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